Survivors of wildfires, tornadoes, earthquakes, and floods could all agree that being prepared for natural disasters beats the alternative. Fortunately for Auburn pet owners, there are city, state, and federal organizations that prioritize health and safety in Placer County. Hazards aren’t always preventable, but disaster preparedness for Auburn pet owners can make all the difference when it matters the most. 

Where to Start

It can be daunting to imagine the extent of damage and despair caused by natural disasters. Despite this, it’s necessary to plan for the worst (and hope for the best). The FEMA app is a valuable resource for disaster planning, and may help provide the control most of us fear losing in such drastic circumstances. 

Wireless Emergency Alerts can be sent by the authorities to mobile devices in the affected area. Being mindful of these crisis alerts can help people seek safety and security. Check your mobile device to ensure they are set up to receive emergency alerts. 

Establish a buddy system within your Auburn neighborhood. This means that if you’re not home, your pets can be safely held or evacuated until you’re able to get to them. Likewise, it is essential to look out for the pets of other Auburn residents if they are left behind or their owner’s are unable to return home. 

Shelter Vs. Evacuation

Depending on the situation, it may be best to shelter in place at home. In this case, it is critical to have supplies on hand. Be sure that pets and livestock (if you have them) are safely contained. Items that belong in every emergency kit include:

  • Flashlights, transistor radios, and extra batteries
  • Canned food and bottles water to last a minimum of three days
  • Collapsible water and food bowls
  • Pet waste bags, litter tray, litter, and/or puppy pads
  • Wipes and other disinfectant
  • Pet first-aid kit
  • Back-up medications
  • Bedding, toys, and treats
  • Alternative leashes and collars with ID tags
  • Pet medical records, ownership proof (even just a photo of you together will do), and microchip information

Evacuations are common in natural disasters and must include pets. Leaving them behind is not a viable option. 

  • Have a go-bag just for your pet’s necessary gear. 
  • Know where you can go with your pet long before you need to leave. 
  • Emergency shelters typically cannot accept pets, so have a list of people within a day’s drive that you can stay with. 
  • Write down possible evacuation routes.
  • Be sure that your pet is properly crate trained to aid a speedy evacuation with less fear and anxiety. 

Make a Plan, Be Adaptable

Hopefully, you’ll never need to rely on our guide to disaster preparedness for pet owners. But if you are in a situation that requires quick action and back-up supplies, we hope you and your pet are ready to stay safe. 

Whether you’re planning for extreme weather or other natural disasters, our team at Bowman Veterinary Hospital is always here to help. Please call us at  (530) 823‑6306 with any questions or concerns.