Posts in Category: Pet Behavior
Why Is My Dog Whining So Much?

Canine communication comes in many forms, whether it’s a lick on the cheek, a wag of the tail, or just a soulful stare from those puppy dog eyes. But what if your dog is whining … a lot? Is it stress, hunger, or pain? Or is this how an attention-seeking hound makes his wishes known? Whatever the case, our team at Bowman Veterinary Hospital will help you better understand the reasons behind the whining and what you can do to help.
Continue…Understanding the Importance of Pet Socialization

Pet socialization is about so much more than puppy play dates! Bowman Veterinary Hospital wants to know what you know about socializing pets and the benefits of pet interaction.
Continue…Understanding Pet Behavior and How to Address Common Issues

You locked eyes with a Labrador mix at the animal shelter and instantly knew you’d found your ideal canine companion. But visions of your new friend strolling proudly by your side during long walks after work quickly dissolved after your first outing. He barked at people, bared his teeth at other pets, and wanted to chase every squirrel that scampered by.
Everyone has an ideal image of pet ownership, but that’s not always the reality. Our team at Bowman Veterinary Hospital has put together some common pet behavior issues and how to handle them.
Continue…My Dog Ate a Fly! Is It Safe?

If you are the owner of a curious canine who will eat just about anything, then you are not alone. Dogs scarf up whatever is in their midst, and in some cases the cuisine can be both gross and questionable. Such is the case with flies and other insects. At Bowman Veterinary Hospital, we get asked about whether flies are safe for pets to eat, especially if they have been sprayed with Raid or another bug spray.
Since spring is the high season for flying things, our team is here to discuss what to do if your dog ate a fly (or another insect).
Continue…A Wish to Squish: Why Do Cats Knead?

Cats have a pretty strong repertoire of absolutely adorable – and distinctly feline – behaviors that have endeared humans for centuries. What else could explain their sheer dominance on social media and video platform sites? They are, in short, purrrr-fectly entertaining.
In addition to the variety of funny feline behaviors, there are actually reasons why they do what they do. Take, making biscuits, for example. Cats need to knead, and we’ve got a few explanations pertaining to this cute kitty behavior.
Continue…Separation Anxiety In Cats: Is It Real?

Scroll through any social media site and you’re sure to run across one of many memes featuring cats irritated by the fact that their owners are suddenly home all day thanks to stay-at-home orders across the country. Everyone knows that cats are considered aloof and independent, but do they really view us as intruders in their homes?
As it turns out, cats are bigger softies than they may seem. Cats can bond deeply with their owners, and often miss them when they’re away. As the economy opens back up and people return to work, separation anxiety in cats may become a real issue in many homes. Your team at Bowman Veterinary Hospital wants to make sure you are prepared to recognize this potential problem, and to help your kitty cope.
Continue…Diggy-Dog: How to Stop Your Dog from Digging

Having unsightly holes throughout the lawn and garden can be discouraging. Especially after you have gone to the trouble of planting your Victory Garden.
Dogs that dig are a common problem among pet owners. Digging is not only destructive but it can also lead to your dog escaping under the fence or digging up something toxic.
To help stop your dog from digging, the team at Bowman Veterinary Hospital is here to offer some suggestions and tips.
Continue…Ground Rules: Dog Walking Etiquette 101

Your dog’s daily walk is a cornerstone of their routine. Not only does walking provide them with much-needed exercise; but being outside in the fresh air and interacting with the world around them is important for dogs and people alike.
This simple activity may seem like a no-brainer, but not everyone views dog walking in the same way or has the same goal in mind. By following some basic dog walking etiquette principles, you can maintain good relationships with your neighbors, the environment, and your dog.
Continue…Enough is Enough: Dealing with Pet Anxiety

We want the best for our pets, and that means taking all the necessary steps to provide them with a great life. Proper nutrition, good medical care, exercise, and, of course, lots of love and affection are obvious needs, but when it comes to pet anxiety, many animal lovers are at a loss.
Fear and anxiety are natural responses to certain stimuli, and no pet is completely immune. Learn how to spot the signs of pet anxiety and what you can do to help your furry friend.