Boom-Free Fourth: Strategies for Keeping Pets Calm During Firework Displays

dog with american flag.

The Fourth of July holiday season is a fun and festive one, but for many of our four-legged friends, it can be a bit stressful. Noisy gatherings and loud booms can raise pet anxiety and put our July 4th pet safety skills to the test. 

Calming Pet Anxiety 

Pet anxiety tends to peak in the summer months. Backyard parties, summer travel, thunderstorms, and fireworks can all make the world a little less predictable for our animal friends.

Help your pet to feel a little less anxious by:

  • Keeping their routine as predictable as possible
  • Not changing their diet
  • Giving them a safe, quiet sanctuary to retreat to when they feel overwhelmed
  • Using anti-anxiety supplements such as plug-in pheromones or over-the-counter solutions
  • Trying an anxiety vest 
  • Offering enriching activities like a puzzle toy to keep their mind focused
  • Engaging in physical activities such as walks with them

Be aware of potential toxins like unattended food and drinks, lighter fluid, insecticides, glow jewelry, and even unattended bags or coats that may contain human medications, vapes, or inhalers can also pose holiday risks to pets.

It is also worthwhile to check your pet escape-proofing measures. Be sure window screens and fence gates are secure in case a scared pooch decides to make a run for it. It is also important to check that your pets are microchipped and their registration accurate. 

Comforting Pets During Fireworks

Many pets (mostly dogs, but some cats, too) have noise phobias that are tested tremendously during loud events like fireworks or storms. The good news is that when we know that they are going to happen, we have a better chance to comfort our pets.

For pets who have anxiety about loud noises:

  • Move them to an interior room with no windows
  • Play soft music or other white noise
  • Allow them to spend time in a safe, comfortable place that they are used to
  • Try a Thundershirt
  • Try to not leave your pet alone during this time (you may need to arrange a pet sitter)
  • If you must take them outside, be sure that they are on a secure leash and stay with them
  • Contact us for information about anti-anxiety medications

Ideally we will want to try an anti-anxiety medication before a scary day to see how it affects your pet. Don’t give more than the recommended amount or share amongst pets without consulting our team first. 

The Fourth of July can be a very fun holiday, but if your pet doesn’t agree, that is okay. They don’t have to love it, they just need to stay safe, and these tips can help you keep them that way.

Fall Pet Allergies: Causes, Symptoms, and Management

Golden Retriever Puppy Scratching.

The same fall allergens that bring on the sneezing attacks and watery eyes in humans can also plague our pets, but don’t double up on the tissues just yet. Most seasonal allergies in pets manifest in the form of itchy, irritated skin. 

At Bowman Veterinary Hospital, we treat allergy patients year round, and we’re here with helpful tips on allergy management for pets.


Simple Tips for Keeping Your Pets Hydrated This Summer

A dog drinking water outdoors.

Summer is here, at last! Hot, sunny days mean trips to the water, long, lazy walks, and outside volleyball games. Your pets want to go where you go (except for cats who might want to stay put). Your pets need to stay hydrated so, should you bring your pets with you for summertime excursions?


Give Joy With Pet Gifts Galore

Cute cat with holiday gift.

Pet owners spend a great deal of time and money during the holiday season looking for and buying just the “right” present for their best friend. With our list of trending, uber-popular pet gifts, you can zero-in on just what you think your buddy will like, appreciate, and benefit from.


Effectively Soothe Your Pet’s Noise Anxiety

Dog hiding from loud noises.

There’s a lot to love about summer, but a pet’s noise anxiety isn’t usually on the list of favorite things. Long stretches of beautiful, sunny days, time spent on the water, or going camping can quickly spiral into a frightening experience for a pet unaccustomed to thunderstorms or fireworks (both of which occur with some frequency between May and September). Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered with some effective strategies to keep your pet’s noise anxiety at bay. 


No More Holiday FOMO with Healthy Pet Snacks

Holiday pet snacks.

The fun of the holidays goes down a few notches when we have to continually say “no!” to our pets. They can’t help wanting to taste whatever goodness we have heaped on our plates. Unfortunately, most of what we indulge in over the holidays is potentially dangerous for our pets to eat. Healthy pet snacks might seem like an impossibility this time of the year. However, these treats are not only available, they’re deliciously satisfying to hungry, curious pets. 


Avoiding Danger Noodles and Other Snek Safety Tips

A snake on a tree branch.

Those who have lived in the Sacramento metropolitan area for any length of time know that unexpected encounters with sneks, called nope ropes when especially unwelcome, are a part of California living. 

Some sneks are a little more scary than others, though, and in our neck of the woods, shake snakes with their little rattles are the big nope rope to watch out for. Bowman Veterinary Hospital wants all of our cattos and doggos to stay safe and healthy, and so we thought we would share our favorite snek safety tips so you and your fluffers can avoid a heckin big scare:


Spring Cleaning and Pet Safety: A Match for the Season

A cat watches a woman clean the floor.

The weather is getting warmer and the last traces of winter are quickly fading away. What better way to welcome the new season than by cleaning and organizing your house? As you start to create to-do lists to help you clean out your home this spring, keep in mind that many of the most common household cleaning products can be extremely poisonous for pets. The team at Bowman Veterinary Hospital is here to help you understand spring cleaning and pet safety so you can get your house in top shape without threatening your pet’s health:


Orange, Glowing Skies: When Pet Fire Safety Must Be the Rule

Pet Safety for Auburn CA Dog on Couch

In this age of unpredictability, it makes sense to prepare for the worst. For those of us in the west, this means getting ready for wildfire season every year. Between packing up necessities in case of an evacuation and planning the quickest escape route, we can easily overlook the effects of smoke inhalation. 

A wildfire doesn’t have to be in our backyards to suffer from dangerous side effects. As a result, pet fire safety should be one of our highest priorities.


When It Comes to Pet Hydration, How Much Water Is Enough?

Thirsty dog in hot summer day. Labrador retriever drinking water from metal bowl.

Summer evenings in Auburn are absolutely lovely, but we have to go through a lot to fully enjoy them. Slogging through the super hot days of August is not easy (or pleasant), but that’s what air conditioning is all about, right? 

We could all stay indoors until the sun goes down but that’s not always an option for pets. Dogs have to go outside to relieve themselves, but many other pets find themselves outside during the hottest times of the day. Don’t forget: Pet hydration is the key to their health and safety this summer
