Our Blog
Pet Acupuncture: Does it Work?
You probably know that Bowman Veterinary Hospital strives to bring our clients the best and latest in what veterinary medicine has to offer. But did you know that we also do acupuncture for our animal patients? Pet acupuncture may not be a new practice, but we feel strongly that it brings an important and valuable option to the pets we treat.
Continue…Choose Courtesy and Cancel: No Appointment No-Shows!
At Bowman Veterinary Hospital, we understand that schedules can accidentally get overbooked, and urgent matters can arise. We truly value our longstanding position in the Auburn community and the strong connections we have built with our pet families. We are happy to accommodate you if your schedule changes, but it is important to contact us right away if you need to reschedule your pet’s appointment.
Continue…Make Your Indoor Cat Happy; Build a Catio
It is, paws down, safer to keep your cat indoors than allow them to roam the neighborhood, cross streets, and come into contact with other animals. In fact, a strictly indoor cat tends to have a longer lifespan than an indoor-outdoor cat because of the decreased risk of illness, injury, or death.
Despite the benefits to their safety and health, some indoor-only cats suffer from boredom and depression. A catio can provide exercise opportunities and enrichment activities that will make your indoor cat extra happy.
Continue…Grieving Your Pet: How to Cope with the Loss
Our pets are a part of our family and play a big role in our lives. There is an undeniable special bond between pet owners and their animals, which makes grieving their loss just as challenging and painful as grieving the loss of a friend or family member.
Continue…How Can I Safely Remove Ticks From My Pet?
It’s tick season in California. Ticks and mosquitoes and other hungry insects that feed on blood are looking for your pets.
Once they’ve found a host, they can transmit bacterial diseases through their bites. The western black-legged tick transmits Lyme disease. There are many other types of ticks that can cause serious health conditions from infection.
While you’re out for walks on trails and in fields or even on the beach, ticks will crawl or jump onto your pet. Tall grasses and low bushes may be teeming with ticks, just waiting for your dog to walk by.
Continue…What to Do If Your Pet Has Fleas
Fleas are a nuisance that no pet owner wants to experience. Not only is a flea bite painful to our furry friends, but flea saliva will also irritate skin. If you see your pet scratching more than usual, fleas are the usual suspects. Bowman Veterinary Hospital is here to help you spot fleas and get rid of them quickly.
How Did My Pet Get Fleas?
If you only have one pet in the house and it has fleas, where did the fleas come from? If your animal is outside, you can be sure that another fur-bearing animal left fleas in its path. Fleas can be living in shadier areas of your lawn. A flea can also jump up to 12 inches, so if they’re in the yard, they’ll leap on your pets to grab a meal.
Continue…The Importance of Heartworm Testing Your Dog
Heartworm disease is spread by mosquitoes. While this fact doesn’t endear anyone to them, mosquitoes are just doing what’s in their nature—sucking blood. They don’t discriminate and, in fact, perceive every mammal as a potential meal. The problem is, mosquitoes pick up microscopic heartworm larvae from various fur-covered prey, and subsequently deposit the worms into the bloodstream of their next victim. Staying on top of prevention is an absolute must, but heartworm testing is equally important. Why?
Continue…My Dog Ate a Fly! Is It Safe?
If you are the owner of a curious canine who will eat just about anything, then you are not alone. Dogs scarf up whatever is in their midst, and in some cases the cuisine can be both gross and questionable. Such is the case with flies and other insects. At Bowman Veterinary Hospital, we get asked about whether flies are safe for pets to eat, especially if they have been sprayed with Raid or another bug spray.
Since spring is the high season for flying things, our team is here to discuss what to do if your dog ate a fly (or another insect).
Continue…Avoiding Danger Noodles and Other Snek Safety Tips
Those who have lived in the Sacramento metropolitan area for any length of time know that unexpected encounters with sneks, called nope ropes when especially unwelcome, are a part of California living.
Some sneks are a little more scary than others, though, and in our neck of the woods, shake snakes with their little rattles are the big nope rope to watch out for. Bowman Veterinary Hospital wants all of our cattos and doggos to stay safe and healthy, and so we thought we would share our favorite snek safety tips so you and your fluffers can avoid a heckin big scare:
Continue…Spring Cleaning and Pet Safety: A Match for the Season
The weather is getting warmer and the last traces of winter are quickly fading away. What better way to welcome the new season than by cleaning and organizing your house? As you start to create to-do lists to help you clean out your home this spring, keep in mind that many of the most common household cleaning products can be extremely poisonous for pets. The team at Bowman Veterinary Hospital is here to help you understand spring cleaning and pet safety so you can get your house in top shape without threatening your pet’s health: